Sunday, January 31, 2010


I haven't glued on fake eyelashes or swabbed spirit gum around my areola since Halloween. On this last day of January I realize that means it's been three months since I've performed burlesque. Which is the longest time I've gone without since I began in 2007. But just because I haven't stepped on stage all glittered and costumed, doesn't mean I've been uninspired or lazy. I've been in a deep creative surge, it's just this creative surge has manifested itself off the burlesque stage.

I've been planning and conference calling and co-creating curriculum and lots of burlesque research, and dreaming about my next big piece... debuting on May 15th when I'll be back in NYC for our next huge show called Culture Classics.

Sorry couldn't resist throwing in a quick plug even those we're still some months away.

I've been creating more of a presence for BGB on the web, we just entered the world of twitter!

and our group blog will be launching in two weeks!

Also stay tuned a bit further down the line for our BGB website launch (this I can't take credit for at all - Dame CuchiFrita has taken the lead and is working with a great designer)

Funny, I started off this post all introspect and then suddenly I'm plugging everything BGB. Which actually is understandable if you know me, because since March of 2007 I've practically been breathing BGB.

It started as just an idea that had been sitting in my brain for a while. I have a lot of those. Some have yet to see the light of actual creation. And then one day I was talking on the phone with one of my best friends from undergrad, I don't even remember how we got on topic, but all of a sudden this idea forced it's way through the creative chaos of the rest of my brain and made itself known. I told Maya about this idea to create an all women of color burlesque troupe. Maya, being the awesome Taurus that she is, grasped on to the idea and surprised me by saying "Let's do it!" Honestly if she hadn't said those three words, BGB would still be just a thought floating around my brain, without even the name of BGB to give itself structure, because Maya also came up with the name.

And so Maya and I began by reaching out to women we knew, who were performers in other disciplines and we gathered. And talked, and shared ideas about burlesque...

What an incredible journey it has been so far. As I sit in my living room in Manchester, thousands of miles away from the rest of the women of BGB, I have a smile on my face, writing this has placed me deep in memories and excitement for what is still to come.

peace and movement,

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