Wednesday, February 3, 2010

just a quickie about creativity and my identity

I love how creativity works, in writing a blog about U.S. Black History Month, I of course was thinking about my own identity as a Black woman who is multi-ethnic, and how in the UK people mostly would just call me mixed race, which as an American who was born into the myth of the "one drop rule" I don't identify simply as mixed race... which then got me researching the origins of the one drop rule and then I realized that this is all research for a piece I'm creating with BGB for our Culture Classics show in May. Creativity rocks!!!!

And of course since I just spent the last 40 minutes reading all this info on the one drop rule, now I'm running out of time to write this blog about Black History Month. So stay tuned...

peace and movement,
Miss AuroraBoobRealis

1 comment:

AramintaRose said...

I strongly believe that as artist of color our creativity and identity are intertwined.

I was in a workshop a while back about undoing racism and we discussed that for people of color especially Blacks we develop a distinct creativity surrounding our relationship to our culture b/c the rest of the world tells us in many ways that we are nothing. We HAVE to get creative to remind us that we are something.

I could go on and on regarding this topic..but maybe I'll just blog about it too.

I am curious to see how this all unfolds for you. : ) Good Luck